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Fabian Schuhmann

Niels Bohr International Academy, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

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Talk at the Advances in Molecular Modeling 2024 conference in Copenhagen, Denmark

An integrative MD model reveals protein complexes and protein distribution in mitochondria

Poster at the European RosettaCon 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark

Introducing the Automated ligand searcher (ALISE)

Poster presentation at the ISBUC Annual Meeting in Copenhagen, Germany

Experimental data informs computational protein cluster prediction in Mitochondria

Poster at the ISBUC Innovation Day 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark

Introducing the Automated ligand searcher (ALISE)

Talk at ECMTB 2024 in Toledo, Spain

Experimental data informs computational protein cluster prediction in Mitochondria

Poster presentation at the International Membrane Biophysics Meeting "From Model to Cellular Membranes" in Drübeck, Germany

Experimental data informs computational protein cluster prediction in Mitochondria

Poster presentation at the CECAM Workshop: Frontiers of Coarse-Grained Models: From New Developments to Modeling Dynamics, Assemblies, and Macromolecular Machines in Lyon, France

Experimental data informs computational protein cluster prediction in Mitochondria

Poster presentation at the DPG Frühjahrstagung in Berlin, Germany

Introducing SiMBols - Similarity Measures for Biological Systems

Talk at the Joint Symposium 2024 - Junior ISBUC and Young Medical Chemists in Copenhagen, Denmark

Introducing the Automated ligand searcher (ALISE)

Poster presentation at the DANEMO Symposium 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark

Structural Rearrangements of pigeon cryptochrome 4 undergoing a complete redox cycle

Invited presentation at the PhyLife Seminar in Odense, Denmark

Structural Rearrangements of pigeon cryptochrome 4 undergoing a complete redox cycle


Contributed Talk at the Advanced Methods in MD conference in Copenhagen, Denmark

Introducing SiMBols - Similarity Measures for Biological Systems

Poster presentation at the Linderstrøm-Lang Centre Symposium in Copenhagen, Denmark

Introducing SiMBols - Similarity Measures for Biological Systems

Poster presentation at the ISBUC Anual Meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark

Introducing SiMBols - Similarity Measures for Biological Systems

Poster presentation at the workshop on 'Mathematical mechanical biology: old school and new school, methods and applications' in Cambridge, United Kingdom

Introducing SiMBols - Similarity Measures for Biological Systems

Poster presentation at the BioNano 8 in Kraków, Poland

Introducing SiMBols - Similarity Measures for Biological Systems

Talk at the BioSB conference in Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands

ALISE: An Improved And Automated Virtual Drug Screening Procedure

Talk presentation at the SIAM CSE 2023 conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Same, But Different – Discovering Differences Between Neutrophil Elastase and Cathepsin G

Talk and poster presentation at the 14th North German Biophysics Meeting in Borstel, Germany

Introducing SiMBols - Similarity Measures for Biological Systems

Talk at the ERC Quantum Birds Meeting in Oldenburg, Germany

Coarse grained pigeon cryptochrome and its conformational changes


Poster presentation at the ISBUC Symposium in Copenhagen, Denmark

The same, but different, but still the same: structural and dynamical differences of neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G

Poster presentation at the ECMTB 2022 in Heidelberg, Germany

The same, but different, but still the same: structural and dynamical differences of neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G

Talk at the Topical Meeting 2022 in Copenhagen, Denmark

The same, but different, but still the same: structural and dynamical differences of neutrophil elastase and cathepsin G

Poster presentation at the FENS 2022, Paris, France

Conformational Changes in Pigeon Cryptochrome 4

Oral presentation at the ERC Quantum Birds Meeting 2022, Oxford, United Kingdom

Conformational Changes in Pigeon Cryptochrome 4


Talk at the DySon-ISACC 2021 in Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy

VIKING and its featured multiscale tools

Poster presentation at the Topical Meeting 2021 in Copenhagen, Denmark

Conformational Changes in Pigeon Cryptochrome 4


Talk and poster presentation at the Topical Meeting 2020 in Copenhagen, Denmark

User-friendly peptide modeler for biophysical applications